Weekday Sabbath
Book of Osiris Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13
Chapter 11
1. In Assan, Osire appointed Sha’bon as God over the delivered hosts; and Sha’bon
selected officers and teachers, and then divided the people into groups and sections,
according to their development, and then erected schools, and nurseries, and factories,
and put the inhabitants to work, feasting them plenteously with rites and ceremonies.
2. After Assan was duly organized, Osire departed, and went and sojourned in various
kingdoms that had been established by his Lords.
3. And all the heavens of the earth were thus organized anew under Osire. And the whole
time of organization was three years; but Osire spent the balance of dawn in Vibhraj,
perfecting it as the central kingdom of atmospherea. And lastly, he decreed the
appointment of ten thousand Lords, to dwell on earth. Some at the temples of worship, or
oracles; some within the cities of the Ghans; and he decreed for his Lords as followeth, to
4. Ye shall not teach mortals of heavenly things, neither by inspiration, nor through the
5. Ye shall not suffer them to commune with the spirits of the dead, not even their own
6. Ye shall not permit spirits to come to their mortal kin. And the spirits of those who die
in infancy ye shall deliver to the asaphs in Vibhraj.
7. Ye shall not permit spirits to inhabit deserted houses; nor permit them to form
habitations on the grave-yards, on the earth.
8. Ye shall not permit spirits to inhabit caves nor waterfalls on the earth.
9. Ye shall not permit spirits to obsess mortals, nor to speak through them by
entrancement, save they be such spirits as ye appoint in order to carry out these, my
decrees; or save they be masters of generation (loo’is), whom ye shall appoint over
mortals for other purposes.
10. Ye shall control the selecting and appointing of guardian spirits over newborn
11. And all such guardian spirits shall teach their wards nothing of heaven near the
earth, but inspire them that it lieth far away, and very high, from which place none return.
12. And the guardians shall also inspire their wards to consult God only, or his Lord, and
to do this by secret prayer.
13. And that the Lord and God are all goodness, and all wisdom, and all love, and all
14. And that all evil cometh from tetracts, born with man’s mortal condition.
15. And ye shall inspire mortals to acquire a knowledge of the sun, and moon, and stars,
giving names unto them, together with their places in the firmament.
16. And give them temples for observation, and tablets for instruction.
17. For in all things ye shall direct man’s soul to the acquisition of corporeal knowledge,
causing him to look into corporeal things to find a reason for the behavior of all created
18. And they shall not in any sense longer depend on the spirits for knowledge, nor truth.
19. For I am not laying the foundation for spiritual knowledge on earth; that must come
after. For as Jehovih first gave to man a corporeal life, and then a spiritual life, so am I
laying a foundation for a new race (the Ghans) on the earth. For from their kin shall
spring the heirs of kosmon, who shall embrace both corporeal and spiritual knowledge.
20. But these shall rise in corporeal knowledge, and go down in it, suffering death in that
which I now rain on the earth.
21. Ye shall teach them in truth; but they will in after generations contort your teachings
into corporeal worship, prostrating themselves before the sun, and moon, and stars, going
down in disbelief in not only the spiritual life, but in the Great Spirit, and His Gods and
22. And these things must come to pass on the corporeal world; nor is there any
resurrection in the latter days, save these of this day go through the fall which I am
preparing for them.
23. For which reason, ye shall found corporeal knowledge in the stars, and name them,
for these things will be testimony in kosmon, of the fate of the worshippers of corporeal
knowledge, in the time of the Osirian cycle.
24. Wherein ye shall leave nothing undone that can be done, to make mortals put aside all
spirituality, save to believe in the Great Spirit and a distant heaven; but make them pursue
knowledge wholly corporeal.
25. For the labor of God and his Lords shall not always be to fetch spirits back to earth, to
learn of corpor, for this is not Jehovih’s plan.
26. A heaven shall be built up of corporeal knowledge, which shall have a base in the
firmament of heaven, where spirits can be taught in time to come.
27. Fear not that man can be too unbelieving in spiritual things, in this age; Jehovih
requireth even perfection in unbelief, in certain periods of time. And this is the founding
of that era on the earth.
28. Do ye, therefore, these matters with all your wisdom and strength; and may the Light
of Jehovih be with you, now and forever.
Chapter 12
1. Osire, through his mathematicians, now furnished the Lords with maps of corporeal
stars, and moon, and sun, and the position of the earth, with the sun-belt, and bestowed
the names of animals upon them. Showed where the region of Cows was; the place of
Bulls; the place of Bears; the place of Horses; the place of Fishes; the place of Scorpions;
the place of Sheep; the place of Lions; the place of Crabs; the place of Death; the place of
Life; the place of Capricornus; and marked the seasons, and made twelve sections
(months) to the year, which was the width of the sun-belt.
2. And he placed the sun in the midst and made lines thence to the stars, with
explanations of the powers of the seasons on all the living.
3. And he gave the times of Jehovih, the four hundred years of the ancients, and the halftimes of dan, the base of prophecy; the variations of thirty-three years; the times of eleven; and the seven and a half times of the vortices of the stars, so that the seasons
might be foretold, and famines averted on the earth.
4. When the tablets were completed and ready to deliver to the Lords, Osire said: Take
these and bestow them on mortals, both through the oracles and by inspiration, making
them sacred with the prophets, and seers, and priests, and their kings and queens.
5. And ye shall inspire them to build temples of observation, to study the stars; teaching
by the gau and by the travel of the sun north and south, and by Cnest, and by dark
chambers, that they may prove the Fichtus of Haak, for nothing shall be left undone or
untaught whereby man’s corporeal senses shall not prove adequate to a perfect corporeal
6. For this rule followeth on all corporeal worlds; that with the culture of the corporeal
senses, man becometh vigorous, strong, and independent; and with the culture of
the spiritual senses in corporeans, they become weak, sensitive and dependent.
7. In the first case, they ultimately become selfish and wicked; in the second case,
they become impotent, and unadapted to corporeal life, and thus become extinct.
8. On all corporeal worlds, Jehovih hath provided these two seasons for every race He
created; a season for the development of the corporeal senses, and a season for the
development of the spiritual senses. To find the mean between these is to find kosmon,
which lieth far in the future.
9. In this day, therefore, I give the matter into your charge, in the name of Jehovih, that
you consider not the spirutual nature of the corporeans in any respect, leaving that matter
to God and his sub-Gods, who will receive them at the time of their mortal death.
10. But ye shall teach them to fear no spirit, nor Lord, nor God; teaching them that by
their own wills they can cast out the tetracts which assume to be spirits. Rather inspire ye
them to be Gods and Goddesses themselves; and by their aspirations they will become
large and powerful, and of fearless disposition.
Plate 65
ARIES. See book of Jaffeth.
Chapter 13
1. And thus was finished the dawn of dan, when great Osire had spoken, and to his God
and Lords commissioned the harvesting of earth and heaven for another cycle. Order
reigned in heaven and on earth, because a man, a God, had spoken. Men and angels had
their eyes turned inward, to know of what capacity Jehovih had made them. And the earth
and moon, and sun and stars, were shown in a new light to the sense of men; not to
be shunned and despised, but glories given by the Great Spirit for useful purposes.
2. Jehovih had said: Some men I created to reason near at hand; others to speculate in faroff regions, with thoughts diverse and unlike in procedure. Think not, O man, that in high heaven such men become all alike; not so created I them, but to run in their various
extremes forever!
3. Of the first, Osire, My Son, enthroned to give reason practice, came not a random
period, but just when I had designed to sow the seed of unbelief broadcast over earth and
4. For such appeareth in all peoples under the sun; a season of belief; a season of unbelief.
And with the believing is the practice of truth and love; and with the unbelieving is the
practice of great research and learning, with cruelty and disputation.
5. Osire said: Send for my resurrection, O Jehovih; I have uprooted the evil of idol
worship, the extreme that followeth too much belief. To Thy corporeal worlds I have
opened man’s eyes, and set a mark on man’s souls, wherein man shall not come from earth
to heaven, saying: Alas, I have no corporeal knowledge!
6. Jehovih said: To further man’s ultimate glory, I have decreed the earth to ji’ay’an fields
for three thousand years, in which thy fruit shall have its full growth.
7. Osire foresaw the times and places in the future road of earth and heaven, and that from
his decrees would spring corporeal philosophy, the first of earth, whereto man should
look back in after ages, saying: Thence sprang the Osirian system; thence the Asyrian
races. Yet he looked further on, when men should become idolaters in disbelief of
spiritual things, doing worship to the sun, moon and stars; and in very corpor profess to
find the cause and foundation of all.
8. Jehovih said: Man shall search all things in order to find Me; but I gave this labor
not to one generation of men, nor to those of a hundred, or a thousand years, but to
cycles. For, when I come in kosmon, to found My kingdom on earth, man shall have
the testimony of all speculation and philosophies before him, together with the
fruits thereof. And he shall judge that which is good by the evidence of past practices.
9. High in the arc of Se’ing rose Osire’s call, where millions waited, knowing the dawn of
dan on the red star was near its end. Swift messengers told the story of Jehovih’s work,
through His Son, Osire; and, measuring the width of His harvest, laid the scheme at the
feet of the reigning Goddess, Antwa. And she gave the word, Go, to her legions in
waiting, who had moored an obegia, a float, a fire-ship, ready to proceed for the hosts
redeemed by Great Osire.
10. And they cut her loose, amidst music and dancing, the obegia, five million souls
aboard, commanded by Eticene, Goddess of Antwa’s Garden, an etherean plain, where
dwelt ten thousand million souls. A place of rest, for Gods and Goddesses to regale
themselves with stories of redemptions of mortals on the countless stars floating in
Jehovih’s etherean veins.
11. Off to the red star, the earth, steered the obegia, the pride of Eticene, for the marriage
festival of seven thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms, the yield of Osire’s harvest
for the upper kingdoms.
12. Meanwhile, Osire and his hosts, prepared in the usual way, waited the signal, the
coming of Jehovih’s light, within the earth’s vortex. For strange it seemeth to Gods and
men, everything in the firmament is upward; who leave a star, upward rise; who leave an
etherean world for the stars, rise upward also, but call it downward, to suit the
understanding of mortals. So pierced the vortex of atmospherea, the obegia, and the hosts
of Eticene. The Brides and Bridegrooms shouted with joy.
13. And the millions of guests, assembled to witness the awe-inspiring ceremonies, joined
in applause.
14. Then down came the ship of fire, broad as a sea, with all her appurtenances in trim,
and adorned in majesty, even to the floors of Vibhraj. And from the mantles of light came
Eticene, to salute great Osire, in the name of the Great Spirit, and receive his contribution
to the unchangeable worlds!
15. Osire, with his attendants, the archangels of Lowtsin, received Eticene under the Sign
of Ormadz, Master Creator of Power, and then presented his delivered sons and
daughters, seven thousand millions.
16. Whereupon, due ceremonies were proclaimed, and the Brides and Bridegrooms of
Jehovih entered the obegia. Osire saluted God, who was ordained to be ruler of heaven
and earth for the next two hundred years, and, with sorrow in his soul, departed, going
into the obegia, the fire-ship, for a higher heaven, where waited millions of loves, calling
to him to come home.
17. Then upward rose the mighty ship, commanded by the slender Eticene, the young
Goddess of Antwa’s Garden; her little hands stretched upward to Jehovih, her mighty
faith, Commander of the elements.
Today’s Oahspe Bible Reading (Feb. 25) – The Faithist Star
[…] Today we read the Book of Osiris Chapters 11, 12, and 13. You can read the full text here. […]
Our Daily Bread 26 February 2020 – Thomasine
[…] Oahspe Reading: http://religionoflight.org/ns/lightofgod/2020/02/25/lectionary-readings-for-wednesday-february-26th-… […]