Holy Memorial Day, New Moon
Book of Osire Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Chapter 5
1. Osire said: In the name of Jehovih, peace be unto thee! To which Daveas replied: Nay,
in the name of Apollo, who I am! How darest thou approach, save to crawl on thy belly?
Four hundred years hath the honor of my kingdom been revered by all visiting Gods; but
thou comest as a barbarian. Down, wretch! Erst I have thee bound and cast in prison!
2. Osire said: Why should I not come before thee? Behold, the Great Spirit created the
whole universe for His Sons and Daughters. By what right hast thou usurped a portion?
And whence thy authority to bid me kneel to thee? But if thou canst show me wherein
thou hast one just claim to enslave these people, rather let thy argument run thither, for I
am come in the name of the Father to liberate them, that they may be prepared for the
second and third resurrections.
3. Daveas said: Think not that I have neglected to prepare for rebellious Gods like thou.
Behold my millions of subjects! What is thy handful? Verily, I tell thee I have prisons
large enough to hold thee and thy hosts. Neither flatter thyself that I am ignorant. For two
hundred years I wrought in the so-called resurrections; I made myself a slave to the
multitude, giving all my labor and time. Then I beheld my folly, and so built a third
resurrection myself. This is, therefore, my lawful kingdom. Moreover, I tell thee to thy
face, thou wretch, there is no higher heaven than mine. Neither comest thou from a
heaven great as mine. But having great self-conceit, thou art come for mischief. I have
heard of thee in other heavens! But now thou hast put thy head into the halter. Seize him,
marshals! Seize him and his hosts! Cast them in prison!
4. Osire spake not, but raised his hand upward in the seventh sign, and suddenly his hosts
cast forth sheets of light brighter than the sun. Daveas stood back affrighted, and his
marshals fled. Presently, Osire, with a thousand attendants, stepped forth in flames of
light, and went up into the capital and surrounded Daveas, the usurper, but touched him
not. And now the ship was illumined, and lo, the sentinels of Daveas’ Council broke and
fled. Hereupon, Osire spake, saying:
5. Hand of Thy hand, O Jehovih; voice of Thy voice, overturn Thou this house and
throne! And, behold, the light of the upper heavens rested in Osire’s palms, and he smote
the house and the throne, and they tumbled over as straw before a hurricane. Alone stood
Daveas, the evil God, half speechless and half blinded by the great Light of Jehovih.
Down! down! said Osire, to the walls and temples of the city. And his hosts concentrated
at any point Osire’s hand directed; and lo, everything fell and was scattered far.
6. Meanwhile, the officers of Daveas fled in all directions, save such as were
overcome by the light, and these fell and were buried themselves amidst the rubbish.
7. Hold! Hold! cried Daveas. Give me air! I perish! I am a consuming fire! And he tossed
his hands aloft; then cringed his face within his glittering robes. And now Osire called
forth thunder and lightning, and sent shafts through, and over, and about the whole
plateau of Vibrahj, and the din and roar confounded all the eight hundred millions of
souls, so they ran no farther, but stood and waited, watching what should next befall.
8. Osire halted not, but went forward to a more suitable place, to build his throne.
Jehovih! Almighty! he cried: Elements of Thy elements, O Father! Found here a throne
for Thy Son! And even so, for whilst his words went forth, the elements rose to do his
will, and there raised a most excellent throne, strong and adamantine, on which Osire
ascended. Daveas had fallen flat down, weeping and wailing; but Osire, by a motion of
the hand, called Wang-te, a most enlightened archangel, with her attendants, to bear him
hence, the which was quickly done.
9. Quickly, now, the place being cleared, the hosts of Osire fenced around a sufficient
space for a city of a thousand million souls, with pillars of light, as brilliant as an
arc in the etherean firmament. Hereat, Osire appointed Klesta, Dawn Goddess, and
he gave her a council of fifty thousand ethereans. Outside of the walls of the pillars
of agni were Daveas and his eight hundred million subjects, in dire confusion.
10. Wang-te, the archangel, said to Daveas: In thine own falsehood thou art favored to
free thyself awhile, to organize a new kingdom, but in holiness, and return and command
obedience from this smothering host. Behold, thou has taught them to believe thou art
Apollo; say to them now: I am not Apollo! I have been false!
11. Daveas madly replied: Never! Jehovih and His kingdoms accursed be forever! Ye
strange spirits, come from far-off kingdoms, to despoil and overturn the most righteous
place in heaven! Are Jehovih and His servants destroyers! To which Wang-te replied:
This is no time for argument; behold here these countless millions! If I withdraw from
thee, and my attendants also withdraw, thou wilt be as one drowned amidst this sea of
ignorance and horrid smells. Assume at once, for pity’s sake, to purge thyself of thy lifelong falsehoods and treacherous tyranny. Announce thyself as Daveas, as thou art, and I can save thee!
12. Daveas rudely thrust her aside, saying: Never! I acknowledge to none! If there be a
higher heaven, I will ascend thither as I am, Apollo! Apollo! Wang-te said: Put me not
off, in Jehovih’s name! Remember what thou art, and of the little thou hast seen, how
powerless thou art before Omnipotence! Thy fate is like that of all dictators, on the verge
of a chasm of horrors. Daveas waited not to hear her further, but proclaimed aloud,
Apollo! Apollo! and stood aside. And presently his former officers rushed to him, and
with that came the sea of millions of spirits, unorganized, unwashed, unfed, frightened
and mad, for love of the name Apollo, the meaning of which they knew not; and they
became as a knot of serpents, entwined around the central figure, Daveas and his
officers. And in the terrible brawl not one voice could be distinguished from another.
And the outer extreme pressed inward, on every side, and presently the eight hundred
millions were as a ball, a knot of darkness, with a dull and rumbling moan within,
and fearful clamor on the surface, from which horrid smells issued in all directions.
13. Wang-te and her attendants hastened back to the throne of Osire, Son of Jehovih, to
tell what had happened. Osire said: What shall I do, O Father? Then the Light of Jehovih
came, and Jehovih spake, saying: Consider My Creation, My son. The young child I made
to fall with few bruises; but the full-grown man falleth heavily. Shall I make a separate
rule to favor kings and queens on the earth, and false Gods in heaven? Nay, verily.
Behold, I will make of Daveas an example in heaven, and on earth, also. Because he hath
spurned his own name, so will I make both angels and mortals to curse and shun the
name, Daveas.
14. Osire said: Proceed ye with my kingdom, in the name of the father. Let Daveas rest
awhile as he is.
15. At that, Osire departed, taking the remainder of his hosts with him in his fire-ship;
and he went to a heavenly place to the westward, where was Seru, a false God, with
ten millions of slaves; and Osire destroyed Seru’s kingdom also. Next, he went to a
heavenly place in the north, where Raka, a false God, had seventy millions of slaves; and
Osire destroyed his kingdom also, liberating his slaves, and putting a guard over Raka.
16. Thus went Osire throughout atmospherea, demolishing all the heavenly kingdoms
of the false Gods, of whom there were, in all, seven hundred and eighty; but many
of them had not a million of subjects. Thirty days, in all, was Osire engaged in
destroying the evil kingdoms in the lower heavens, and then the work was finished.
17. Osire said to his hosts: For thirty days we labored in destroying that which was; now
will we rebuild to Jehovih for another thirty days. Take the ship, therefore, to Vibrahj, for
thither will I found my central kingdom. And after we shall have completed the work of
starting the second resurrection on a sure foundation, then will we go down to the earth
and overturn the kingdoms of the false Lords and men.
Chapter 6
1. Jehovih said: Vibrahj shall be My place; thy throne, Osire, shall be My throne. Send
sheriffs out into all the divisions of heaven where thou hast destroyed the evil kingdoms.
And thy sheriffs shall arrest all the false Gods whom thou hast dispossessed, and bring
them hither, that I may speak with them face to face.
2. Then spake Osire to the sheriffs, saying: Go ye out into all the divisions of
atmospherea, and arrest and bring hither all the false Gods whom I have dethroned,
saying to each of them: Osire, God of the lower heavens, commandeth my presence.
Come thou, and hear the voice of thy Creator. But it shall happen that many will fear to
come, because of the light, lest their evil deeds be seen; say to all such: The light will be
lowered for a short space of time; come, therefore, quickly.
3. To all the knots, where the false Gods are enveloped, shall ye take umbrae, a
sufficiency, that ye may release them. But leave ye with the knot a sufficient guard to
keep them in their places.
4. The sheriffs went abroad, as commanded, being sufficiently provided with attendants
and all things required for such adventures; and after many days the false Gods were
arrested and brought before the throne of God, Osire, Jehovih’s Son. And there were
assembled, on that occasion, one hundred thousand archangels, of whom two thousand
had risen to the rank of Gods and Goddesses, and thirty thousand to the rank of Lords and
5. Osire said to the false ones: Brothers, greeting, in the name of Jehovih! Nor shall ye
fear, nor be expectant of torture or punishment. Though I come in All Power, my words
shall be tempered with wisdom. But I can be no respecter of persons, nor swerve one jot
or tittle from Jehovih’s commandments.
6. The bondage of all men was in the Father; for, before ye were conscious individuals,
Jehovih stretched forth His hand, and ye came forth from Void, which was your prison in
which your selves had been as nothing.
7. In likeness of the Father, I came to deliver them ye had bounden; and through Him
have I attained power to that end. So, in likeness of Him, also, I cannot bind you, or cast
you in prison. Nay, my sheriffs have just delivered you from bondage, and I am now
holding you free from the knots.
8. Most of ye are learned men of the second resurrection; but ye have used your wisdom
for self-glorification, being proud to call yourselves Gods; not to teach them of Jehovih
and His kingdoms, but falsely teaching that your own kingdoms were the All Highest,
thereby shutting out the true light from the unlearned.
9. Jehovih hath blessed you all with strong minds and handsome forms, whereupon, ye
have each of you falsely proclaimed ye were Apollo. Think not that this matter was not
known in high heaven. I have here the reports of swift messengers, which were brought to
me in the firmament above. I came not in ignorance of what ye were doing; neither came I
in weakness. More than a hundred thousand millions, who have been raised up to etherea
from the earth and its heavens, stand at my side. Besides these, a million times as many
ethereans, from other worlds; and above all of these, the Great Orian Chiefs; and yet
beyond, and over all, Great Jehovih!
10. Have I not proved my power before you all? Did I go away in a corner and say:
Come, I will show you my power? Nay, I came close to you all. As the Father
first proveth power, so have I. After that, wisdom. That I may talk to you in wisdom,
I had you arrested and brought hither. Hear me then, and remember my words.
11. In former cycles, the high Gods who descended to these heavens, finding false Gods,
simply liberated their slaves, but put no labor of restitution on the false Gods. This
was because the false Gods of those periods were too imbecile and unlearned. But
the earth and her heavens have progressed to a higher state. And with progression
cometh, also, responsibility. With learning cometh responsibility; and with wisdom, also.
12. Ye bound your subjects to your kingdoms; and ye perceive, now, ye cannot put them
aside. Ye taught them your kingdoms were the All Highest; they must now be unlearned.
Ye taught them that ye were the All Highest Gods! They must be unlearned in this, also.
Ye put aside the ancient rites and ceremonies, wherein the name of Jehovih was used,
teaching them to sing to you, only. They must be taught new songs, substituting the Great
Spirit, to Whom none can attain, forever. Ye taught them to be unthinking, and contented
as slaves; they must now be taught to think for themselves, and to labor for everlasting
13. And now, touching the law of the resurrection, remember ye, this is the same in all the
created worlds; which is, that the spirit of man groweth by giving away of whatsoever the
spirit hath to give. If ye have great learning, and ye give of it, then shall more learning be
added unto you; if ye have goodness of heart, and gentle words, then, by giving this away,
more shall be added unto you; if ye have craft in inventions or mechanics, and ye bestow
of these talents unto others, then will more be added unto you. As the corporean man
accumulateth corporeal things by not giving them away, not so accumulateth the spirit of
any man.
14. For he who locketh up the light of the Father that is in him, cannot obtain more light;
he who locketh up goodness of heart, cannot obtain strength of spirit. And without
strength of spirit, no man can attain to the third resurrection. But, that men may learn to
obtain strength of spirit, the second resurrection has been established in atmospherea
belonging to all the habitable corporeal worlds.
15. The chief delight of man shall be, therefore, to find some way to impart his spiritual
talents and strength, and to the greatest possible number of people. Think not that
preaching to the ignorant is sufficient; but ye shall take hold with your own hands and
show them how to accomplish. Yet not labor alone; for some are so created that ye cannot
inspire them without rites and ceremonies and music.
16. Nor shall a man, after having taught and raised up a few, say: Behold, what a good
work I have done! But as long as he findeth a man, or woman, or child, who lacketh in
anything, he shall feel to say: Alas, what I have done is as nothing in the resurrection of
my fellows.
17. For the rule holdeth for all men alike, to desire exaltation, and everlasting liberty, and
unlimited power; and unless ye are prepared to give even these unto others, then ye
cannot attain them yourselves. Neither is it possible for man to turn away from
responsibility; to whom the Father hath given, from him the Father requireth. Ye have
had your kingdoms. Yea, and boasted of them. Your boasts have ascended to etherea.
Will ye go thither and be asked: Where is thy kingdom? Shall it be said ye shirked from
the care of them the Father gave into your keeping?
18. Bethink ye, O brothers! When the conscience of man turneth inward, there is still
darkness slumbering in his soul. The etherean lights will burn him. He whose conscience
no longer burned inward, becometh himself a brilliant flame of light. Through him
Jehovih speaketh.
19. Osire ceased; and now a brilliant light descended around about the throne, and
presently Jehovih spake through Osire, saying:
20. Times and half-times have I given to My corporeal worlds and their heavens. In a
time have I made a full resurrection to those who aspire to My heavens above. Nor do I
go away from any place I created, saying: Go thou alone for a season. But in a time I
manifest a new light, for such, also, are My creations. Think not that I have given seasons
to corporeal worlds only; I gave seasons to atmospherea, also.
21. Is not a summer on the earth half a time? And the winter half a time? And the two,
one full time? So created I for atmospherea a time of four hundred years, and a halftime of two hundred years. And in seven times and one half-time created I one dan’ha.
22. I sent my Gods to teach these things since thousands of years; whereby My angels
might know the times of My resurrections. Hath not a farmer knowledge of the
resurrection of spring, when I cover the earth over with new-growing things which I raise
up out of the earth? How much more knowledge should my angels have of my springtimes, in atmospherea, when My archangels come to gather in My harvests of emancipated souls.
23. I commanded My etherean hosts, saying: Go ye to the lower heaven and teach them
there is no such thing as individual resurrection. And they came proclaiming My word,
showing all people that any number of individuals were as nothing unless united, which is
the salvation I provided unto all My worlds.
24. For I created progress to be in compact; nor gave I to any person individual salvation
or resurrection. That men might learn the advantage of compact, I caused mortals to have
corporeal languages, and to live in cities. That ye in atmospherea might learn the All
Perfection of being one with one another, I gave you the second resurrection; teaching
you, through My Gods and Lords, to abnegate self-aspiration, for self-aspiration is at
the expense of others; but commanding ye to learn to assimilate with one another.
25. And I gave rites and ceremonies, amongst which was the oath of service unto Me
and My kingdoms, and unto none other, wherein many bound themselves, which was,
and is, the beginning of liberty. Touching which matter, I created types on earth and in
the lower heavens, that even the unlearned might understand Me and My works.
26. For to him that begetteth children gave I bondage, to them and to him conjointly. But
this is a bondage that circumventeth not liberty in time to come, for they can ascend to
heaven, and progress conjointly, better than alone. But some gave themselves up to love
earthly things, such as houses, and money, and kingdoms, which things have no
resurrection. Hence, such bondage holdeth the person after death to the thing he loved.
27. In type of which, many have set up kingdoms in the lower heavens, binding
themselves to things that have no higher resurrection, which things belong on the plateau
of atmospherea where I created them. But to them who have bound themselves to their
fellows, saying: I am the salvation! it is like a young man saying to a maiden: Come, I
will be thy husband. And she goeth to him in confidence. Here, then, is bondage; and she
holdeth him as the way of her salvation. Wherein, not he alone can annul that which hath
been united, nor yet they twain; for, by their bondage, I am also a party to the contract.
28. In which manner, they that assume kingdoms, professing to be Gods of salvation, and
thus enticing My innocent ones unto themselves, become bound, not only to
their subjects, but to the contract of deliverance unto salvation; for so, created I them.
29. The Voice ceased, and Osire said: If a man wed a woman with an evil temper, his
glory lieth not in going away from her, but in teaching her to overcome her temper; or, if
her husband be evil, her glory lieth not in going away from him, but in reforming him.
Rather is it wise to accomplish whatever work Jehovih hath put in thy way, than to desert
it for sake of personal comfort.
30. Nevertheless, there is a limit to all things, save Jehovih; and to the wise there is power
to accomplish much that seemeth impossible at first. Hear ye, then, my judgment upon
you, which is that:
31. Ye shall again assume kingdoms, and every one shall have all the subjects he had
before. And ye shall be provided with places and thrones by my archangels, and with
councils of my archangels also. And I will give to each and every one of you an assistant
God, who shall sit on your right hand for four years, the time of this dawn, teaching how
to teach, and what to teach.
32. My hosts will now conduct you to the places prepared for you, around which are
erected walls of agni. And when ye are safely seated on your thrones, your former
subjects shall be brought before you in groups, and adjudged to the labor, and to the
schools, and such other places as are suited to them, according to their strength and
33. And I pronounce it upon you, that ye shall deliver your respective subjects sufficiently
for the third resurrection. Wherein, according to your zeal and faithfulness, will my hosts
labor with you, to the end that Jehovih may be glorified in your harvests for the
emancipated worlds. Attend, therefore, to give the sign, IN JEHOVIH’S NAME, and receive
ye ordination from my hands, by the power and wisdom of the Great Spirit.
34. The sheriffs showed them how to make the sign, and how to stand before the throne;
and then Osire said: By Thy Wisdom, and Love, and Power, O Jehovih, which rest in me,
do I annoint these, Thy Gods, for Thy service, and for the exaltation of Thy kingdoms,
forever! Amen.
35. The light was now becoming so brilliant that many of the newly-made Gods quailed
before it. But the marshals conducted them, and they passed before the throne of Osire,
where they were crowned and arrayed as Gods of the second resurrection; after which
they were again conducted before the Council, and saluted on the sign; and thence, to
martial music, they were taken to the kingdoms prepared for them.
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