Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovih Chapter 6, Chapter 7
Chapter 6
1. Jehovih spake in the light of the throne of Gau, saying: My Son, thou has set the
temples of earth wisely, and thy ten thousand Lords have the voice of thy Creator. But,
behold, this dawn of dan hath but five years and two hundred days. The five years are
already gone. Call together thy etherean hosts, and they shall report to thee who shall be
the successors to thee and thy Lords. I answered, saying: Thy will be done, O Father!
2. So I sent messengers around about the world repeating what Jehovih had commanded.
And I added also: When the time of dan is completed, behold, my hosts shall assemble in
Gau, from whence we shall ascend to our etherean worlds. Let my messengers invite all
the people in all the kingdoms of atmospherea to be present. And these things were done.
3. Now, of the ten thousand kingdoms of the Lords of heaven and earth of that day, many
of them held their places within the corporeal temples of worship, having spiritual thrones
within them, where the hosts of angels assembled to counsel on the affairs of mortals, and
to advise with them through the prophets and seers.
4. Neither was there a temple in all the world for consulting the spirits and Gods but what
was usurped by my etherean hosts. So that when kings or queens came to consult the
oracle on matters of war or personal aggrandizement, my hosts answered them not to their
own profit, but with the voice of Jehovih.
5. So it turned out, that when the chief false Gods and false Lords were driven out of the
corporeal temples, they lost interest in mortal affairs. And I classified them and made new
kingdoms in the lower heaven for them, forming them into confederacies. And they, too,
became earnest workers to establish themselves in harmony, symmetry and music. And at
the end of the time of hi’dan there was not one false God nor false Lord in atmospherea.
Chapter 7
1. Apollo said: Hear the decrees of Jehovih, O ye Gods and Lords: I, His Son, God of
three worlds, speak! In my speech lieth the wisdom of Time; the evidence of fifty
thousand years. Here is a great matter, O ye Gods; answer it, O ye Lords of heaven and
earth: A child learneth from that which is around about; a man learneth from that which is
around about; a God and a Lord learn from that which is around about. Neither can they
acquire anything more, forever. Jehovih saith:
2. I have decreed the breaking up of old foundations; in new creations I provide food for
the souls of Gods and men.
3. Apollo said: To condense and to expand; to expand and to condense, is this all? Who
shall fashion a corporeal world by compressing ether? or, by standing still, expand his
own soul? How long will they be entailed with idle desires, and self-ease, and self-glory?
4. Jehovih saith: When the lower heaven turneth into itself, it soon turneth downward,
also. And its cast moldeth the earth-born. Look to it, O My sons and daughters, that ye
preserve the high estate of heaven. Apollo said:
5. To be a God is not all; to be a Lord is not all; ye shall forever invent new stratagems in
Jehovih’s kingdoms. Your people shall be forever infatuated with continual surprises, or
your kingdoms in heaven will go down.
6. Jehovih saith: Behold, I created man, and if he rest constantly, disease shall seize on
his life parts. The kingdoms of men on earth that lack aspiration for the people shall bring
destruction; to the kingdoms in the lower heaven, the lack of invented, new glories, shall
breed up false Gods and false Lords.
7. Apollo said: To be a weak man, is nothing; to be a weak king, is nothing; to be a weak
God, is nothing; but to be strong with Jehovih, furnisheth food for the kingdoms of men
and angels. Think not, ye Gods and Lords, that to be a good God is easy, or to be a good
Lord is easy, or to be a good corporeal king is easy. He who ruleth in heavenly kingdoms,
must forever furnish food for the souls of angels and men.
8. I, Apollo, Son of Jehovih, will give you a parable suitable for Gods and kings: A
multitude go into a forest; one man goeth a little before the rest, and he calleth: Here!
Here! Then he goeth a little further, and he calleth: Here! Here! And the multitude follow.
Whereon, ye reason well, saying: If the leader go too fast for the multitude, they will not
follow; and if he go not fast enough, they cannot follow. Wherein, of the last condition,
anarchy ensueth, and new leaders are chosen.
9. And these conditions follow all peoples on earth, and in the lower heavens. But the
glory of the emancipated heavens, in etherea, lieth in the development of every soul into
ripeness and bloom, with none too fast nor too slow, but all as one, and one with Jehovih.
10. Is not this the testimony of the All Person: A ruler of a city; a ruler of a state; a ruler
of a kingdom? Without a head to lead, and to govern, what people have been found?
Without a God and Lords, and kingdoms in heaven, what angels are found? Strollers,
beggars, drujas and vampires. He who setteth himself up against the king, what is he? He
who setteth himself up against the All Person, what is he? Where is the fruit he hath
brought to market?
11. His speech is cunning in denial; his arguments for liberty, the bait of hada. He crieth
out, in justification of his mutiny: Liberty! Liberty! But he leadeth to inharmony and
darkness. After that, he rusheth to the front, crying out: Follow me! follow me! I will lead
to truth and light. And he himself becometh a God, but in falsehood, even as by falsehood
he denied the true God.
12. A great fact declare I unto you, O Gods and Lords: A line lieth betwixt the man who
hath too much opinion of his own, and he who hath no opinion at all. One is to be pitied,
the other censured. Which, judge ye, do the Gods pity of these two, and which censure?
13. None could answer Apollo. So he spake further, saying: Pity ye him who hath too
much opinion of his own; for of all men he standest the farthest from Jehovih. But the
wise man and wise angel follow the median line betwixt the two. Herein lieth the
harmony of a man’s soul.
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