Category: General Topics

Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch is one of the oldest texts used by Manichaeans, pre-dating the flood. While some modern day scholars claim the Book of Enoch may only have arrived on the scene about two hundred years after Gautama Buddha, Manichaeans believe the text derives from much earlier antiquity, and that Enoch of ancient times […]

Acts of Thomas

The Acts of Thomas is a retelling of the events during the ministry of Judas Thomas in India, or Mar Tuma as he is known among Manichaeans. The Manichaean Faith holds that the Acts were composed during the time of Mar Tuma, but later re-adapted during the time of the Prophet Mar Mani.


The Arzhang or Ardahang, also known as the “Manichaean Picture Book” (sometimes referred to as “Mani’s Picture”), is a collection of artwork which depicts the various tenets of Manichaeism, adapted for various cultures. It is believed to have been lost centuries ago. It has always been a Manichaean tradition to produce pictorial works for the […]

Bible (Scriptures)

The term “Bible” (“Holy Bible,” “Holy Scriptures”) within a Judeo-Christian perspective, often refers to the sacred books of Genesis through Revelation. Some Christian communities have more or less books in their canon of the Bible. Communities of the Religion of Light recognize the validity of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures, especially the original Hebrew and Aramaic texts. […]


The term “attachments” as used within a Monijiao (Manichaean) Buddhist context refers to the adherence of wrong views, clinging to preconceptions, making assumptions based on immature faith, and wrong views in general. It is derived from the term “paramasa.”1 Attachments are obstacles that prevent one from fully practicing the Twelve Virtues and the Precepts of […]

Aramaic (Language)

Aramaic (Syriac) is a Semitic language which was employed to compose the ancient Scriptures of the Hebrews, Essenes and Manichaeans, including some Christians. The language was also used by the Prophet Mani for composing some of the sacred texts of Manichaeans. The first people to be inspired by Jesus’ message were almost all Jews. But […]