King Bahram

Coin depicting Bahram Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. 	 Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.
Coin depicting Bahram
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.
Bahram ( بهرام یکم‎,) is mentioned in Manichaean texts numerous times. The Acts of the Prophet Mar Mani says, “A son of Hormizd by the name of Bahram succeeded his father to the throne. Bahram the First had no love for Mar Mani or the Manichaean religion; on the contrary, he was deemed by Mar Mani himself to be an irresponsible young man, who was cruel, vain and given to debauchery and immoral living. Concerning Bahram taking the place of his father on the throne, Mar Mani said, ‘The evil one was envious and quickly snatched him away; and his son placed the crown on his head in his place.'” (Acts of Mar Mani 18:12, 13)

The Prophet Apostle understood the immanent threat of having Bahram the First as the King of Persia; for this meant that all efforts to correct the problems that were developing under Shapur, would be wiped away, placing the Manichaeans and efforts to proselytise throughout the Empire in danger. (Acts of Mar Mani 19:1)