
Alms-giving is the practice among Elect and Hearers providing food offerings to the Elect as an act of sacrifice and petitioning for intercession. Regular alms-giving is part of all spiritual communities of the Religion of Light.

This practice is viewed as a divinely mandated responsibility for all those who adhere to the Faith. Alms-giving is traditionally practiced once each week and on high holy days. Alms-giving is different than the giving of tithes. The latter is the giving ten percent of one’s income to the work of the Faith, divided among the local congregation or mission and the Central Temple. Alms is related to food offerings while tithes are related to monetary offerings. When one has no tithes to give, in some situations, a person’s time in divine service is accepted as such.

The Central Manichaean Temple says:

“This is the reason you will rarely hear Manichaean clergy asking congregations or study groups for donations. We already know it’s our divine responsibility…We do not ask for gifts or alms from those who are not members of the Church, but we appreciate any thing others may wish to provide.”
Alms-giving page on the Central Manichaean Temple Web site

“When we offer alms upon the Bema, we are seeking intercession for ourselves and for the world…Hearers present their food offerings to the Elect. The Elect in turn recite special prayers and chants over the offerings, consume a portion of it and the act of forgiveness of sin, the renewal of the spirit and the blessing of the hands is accomplished.”
Letter in Reference to the Bema Festival, Mahvar and Mehrshad T.


  • Alms-Giving explained by the Manichaean Church
  • >What is Alms-giving?
  • Alms Round and Alms-Giving, by Tenzin Bhikkhu