Abba d’Rabbuta (Father of Greatness)

“Abba d’Rabbuta” (ܐܒܐ ܕܪܒܘܬܐ) is the Syriac (Aramaic) term literally meaning “Father of Greatness.” This is a divine title rather than a name specifically in reference to Almighty God, known by the Name “Mar-Yah” (Yahweh).

The word “Abba” means “Father”, while the term “d’Rabbuta” means “of Greatness.”

The English title “Father of Greatness” is sometimes written as “Great Father.”

Manichean educational texts refer to Abba d’Rabbuta as “the mind of Alaha” and as the “masculine aspect of the Godhead.” Abba d’Rabbuta is the One All Supreme God Above All Celestial Beings. He is also referred to as the “One God who sits above the heavens.”

The Father of Greatness is often described as being “outside of time and creation.” As such, there is no physical representation of God since He is not like anything within the world of nature or physical matter. Manichaeans do not permit physical representations of the Father of Greatness within their worship halls or homes. According to Manichaean belief, the Father of Greatness is invisible to human eyes, and can only be seen as pure light by certain celestial beings stationed close to His throne.

Monijiao Buddhism
The Syriac term is not used in Monijiao Buddhism, but rather the phrase “Ming Zun” is used, which means “Radiant Father, Supreme God of Light.”

As with Manichaeans, Monijiao Buddhists do not depict the Father in any type imagery, as He is believed to be invisible to human beings.

The main titles of God in Monijiao are the Chinese words “Shangdi” – a title meaning “The Lord of Heaven” and “Ming Zun”… Another title is “Zhen Shen” which means “true God.” The word “God” sometimes rendered “Great King of Light.” Shangdi is above all other beings and is considered outside of the plane of existence itself.
   — Introduction to Monijiao Concepts
