Seventh-Day Sabbath
Synopsis of Sixteen Cycles. Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III
Chapter 1
1. First, the earth plieth in a circuit around the sun, which circuit is divided into four arcs
called spring, summer, autumn and winter.
2. Second, the sun, with his family, plieth in a large circuit, which is divided into one
thousand five hundred arcs, the distance of which for each arc is about three thousand
years, or one cycle.
3. During a cycle, the earth and her heavens fall in the etherean regions of hundreds of
etherean worlds, where dwell Jehovih’s high-raised angels, whose Chiefs have to do with
the management of worlds.
4. During the time of a cycle, the earth is therefore under the control and management of
such of Jehovih’s angels for the resurrection of man of the earth.
5. At the time of the creation of man, the earth was traveling in the arc of Wan, where
dwell thousands of Orian chiefs, with thousands of millions of high-raised angels.
6. The Holy Council of Orian Chiefs, through the Wisdom and Voice of Jehovih,
appointed one of their number, Sethantes, to take charge of the earth, and to people it
with immortal beings, during its travel in Wan.
7. The rank and title of Sethantes, thus raised up by Jehovih, Creator of worlds, was,
8. And Sethantes came with millions of angels, who had been raised up from other worlds
previously, and he accomplished his work, and was known as God.
9. Sethantes was, then, the first God of the earth and her heavens, and his place was
within the arc of Wan. And during his cycle of three thousand years, he raised up from the
earth fifteen hundred million Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih.
10. After Sethantes came Ah’shong, sub-Chief in the realms of Hieu Wee in the Haian arc
of Vehetaivi. And during the cycle of Anakaron, also three thousand years, Ah’shong
raised up from the earth a harvest of two billion two hundred million Brides and
11. The third cycle was under the dominion of Hoo Le, surveyor of Kakayen’sta in the arc
of Gimmel, and his harvest was three billion seven hundred millions.
12. The fourth cycle was under C’pe Aban, Chieftainess of Sulgoweron in the arc of Yan,
and her harvest was four billion eight hundred millions.
13. The fifth cycle was under Pathodices, road-maker in Chitivya in the arc of
Yahomitak, and his harvest was six billion four hundred millions.
14. The sixth cycle was under Goemagak, God of Iseg, in the arc of Somgwothga, and his
harvest was seven billion nine hundred millions.
15. The seventh cycle was under Goepens, God of Kaim, in the arc of Srivat, and his
harvest was nine billion three hundred millions.
16. The eighth cycle was under Hycis, Goddess of Ruts, in the arc of Hohamagollak, and
her harvest was nine billion four hundred millions.
17. The ninth cycle was under See’itcicius, inspector of roads in Kammatra, in the arc of
Jusyin, and his harvest was ten billion one hundred millions.
18. The tenth cycle was under Miscelitivi, Chieftainess of the arches of Lawzgowbak, in
the arc of Nu, and her harvest was ten billion eight hundred millions.
19. And now the earth was full of people; all the continents and islands of the earth were
inhabited by man; nor was there left any wilderness wherein man did not dwell.
20. But the generation of man had fallen from thirty-three years down to twelve years.
And man and woman were at maturity at seven years old; and not many lived above thirty
years; but they were prolific; many of the mothers bringing forth two score sons and
daughters, and from two to four at a birth.
21. And man dwelt in peace, and the earth was tilled, and brought forth abundantly of
everything that was good for man to eat, and to clothe himself. And there were in those
days great cities of hundreds of thousands of inhabitants; thousands and thousands of
such cities, and in all the five great divisions of the earth. And man built ships and sailed
over the ocean in all directions, around about the whole world. By the angels of the Lord
was he taught and guided in all things. And man had books, both written and printed; and
the young were taught in schools, a knowledge of the sun and moon and stars, and of all
things that are upon the earth and in the waters thereof. This was therefore called the first
period of civilization on the earth.
22. Now, for the most part, all the people had become I’hins, small, bright like copper.
Nevertheless there were ground people, with long arms, who were large; but they dwelt
by themselves, and their food was of all manner of flesh, and fish, and creeping things.
The ground people were ruddy and coarse, and they lived to be two hundred, and even
four hundred years old.
23. Jehovih said: In the early days I raised up I’huans, and I gave them certain
commandments, amongst which was, not to cohabit with the druks lest they go down in
darkness. But they obeyed not My words; and lo and behold, they are lost from the face of
the earth.
24. Because the I’hins have become a spiritual people and have prospered in peace and
spirit, behold, they have degenerated in the corporeal body. They yield abundant harvests
for My etherean realms, but they are like untimely births.
25. Now will I bring the earth into a’jiyan fields and forests for a long season; for I shall
again reproduce the I’huans; and the time of a generation shall be thirty-three years. For
my harvests shall be of fruit that is mature and full of ripeness.
26. And Jehovih brought the earth into new regions in the etherean worlds, and covered it
over with a’ji, east and west and north and south.
27. And it came to pass that many of the I’hins lost the generative desire and, so, brought
not forth many heirs. But the brown people burnt with desires, and they laid hold of the
I’hin women when they went into the fields, and forced them, and thus brought forth
again the I’huan race, the copper colored, strong and bright and quick.
28. Accordingly the eleventh cycle, which was under Gobath, God of Tirongothaga, in the
arc of Su’le, brought forth a harvest of six billion seven hundred millions.
29. The twelfth cycle was under F’aiyis, Goddess of Looga, in the arc of Siyan, and her
harvest was two billion six hundred millions.
30. The thirteenth cycle was under Zineathaes, keeper of the Cress, in the arc of
Oleganaya, and his harvest was one billion two hundred millions.
31. The fourteenth cycle was under Tothsentaga, road-maker in Hapanogos, in the arc of
Manechu, and his harvest was only six hundred millions.
32. The fifteenth cycle was under Nimeas, God of Thosgothamachus, in the arc of Seigga,
and his harvest was only forty millions.
33. The sixteenth cycle was under Neph, God of Sogghonnes, in the arc of Arbroohk, but
he failed to bring forth any harvest.
Chapter 2
1. God, that is Neph, said: Hear my prayer, O Jehovih! The earth and her heavens are
gone down in darkness.
2. The I’hin hath been destroyed off all the divisions of the earth save Wagga.
3. More than thirty thousand million angels are gathered on the surface of the earth, and
they are too low in grade to be delivered.
4. What shall Thy God do, O Father?
5. Mortals are descending in breed and blood; only as diseased vermin do they inhabit the
6. Their cities are destroyed, and they dwell after the manner of four-footed beasts.
7. The inspiration of Thy God and his angels can no longer reach them.
8. When they die and enter these heavens they are as festering sores on one another,
thousands of millions of them.
9. For three thousand years have I labored with them, but the abundance of their darkness
outmatcheth Thy God.
10. What shall I do with them, O Father! How shall Thy God deliver so great a carcass of
11. But Jehovih answered not the prayer of God; left him to consult with other Gods in
the higher heavens.
12. But in etherea, Jehovih spake to His Orian Chiefs, saying: As I try mortals, so do I try
angels; as I try them, so do I try My Gods. Forever and forever do I keep before them the
testimony of AN ALL HIGHER.
13. Now it had come to pass on earth that the time of a generation of mortals had
risen from twelve years to eighty years. And there were many who lived to be three
hundred years old. And they had become very large; twice the size of men of this day.
But they were without judgment and of little sense. Hardly knew they their own species.
And they mingled together, relatives as well as others; so that idiocy and disease were
the general fate of the tribes of men; and they were large and strong and prolific.
14. This then that followeth is the grade of declension in the heavens of the earth; that is,
after Kishalon had changed the period of generation from twelve years into the upper
grades, to wit:
15. Abner, seventh dawn of dan, enduring three thousand two hundred years in Hastaf,
etherean a’ji seven, Hoe’tan, grade ninety-nine.
16. Enseeni, Goddess of Marsef, etherea, dan of Gem, enduring three thousand years,
grade ninety-three.
17. Boaz, God of Hom, Orian field, dan of Josh, enduring two thousand seven hundred
years, grade eighty-eight.
18. Da’ivi, Goddess of Wowitski in a’ji thirty-six, dan of Ruth, enduring two thousand
nine hundred years, grade eighty-two.
19. Lia’mees, Goddess of War in Broek, dan forty, Orian field, Semsi, enduring three
thousand years, grade seventy-seven.
20. Divi’yas, God of Hut in Habak, ji’ya twenty-two, Neth, enduring three thousand one
hundred years, grade sixty-nine.
21. Roa’yis’yis, Goddess of Tamak, Bent, one of Hud’du’owts, enduring three thousand
and seventy years, grade sixty-one.
22. Yij, Chief of Orian field, Lud in Goo, dan seventy-four, enduring two thousand six
hundred years, grade fifty-eight.
23. Gul’yaniv, Chieftainess, Orian field, Ob’Low in ji’ya forty, enduring three thousand
four hundred years, grade fifty-one.
24. From this time onward there was found no grade in the roadway of the solar
phalanx (great serpent), sufficiently dense for the angels of the heavens of the earth.
Chapter 3
1. Jehovih moved upon the etherean worlds; in the wide regions where traveleth the great
serpent. His voice went forth, and amongst the counselors, the high ruling chieftains of
the exalted kingdoms in the firmament, He spoke, saying:
2. Hear me, O ye Chieftains! Be ye far-seeing in My traveling worlds, and alert to My
words. Behold the red star, the earth, hath attained her maturity! As a daughter cometh
forth in the prime of life, so standeth the young earth in her glory. For fifty thousand years
hath she played her part as an ornament of heaven and a harvester of bright souls for My
exalted regions in the firmament.
3. Gather together, O ye Orian Chiefs, and ye etherean Goddesses; and ye that dwell in
the roadway of the great serpent. Call ye a council of My everlasting rulers of worlds; and
of them that plant my a’jian gardens and My ji’ya’an fields; and of them that whirl My
nebulous vortices in the firmament.
4. The voice of Jehovih extended across the wide universe, and those who were high
raised in the management of worlds heard and comprehended.
5. And there assembled in the etherean gardens of Senaya, near the roadway of the solar
phalanx, millions of Jehovih’s highest; and the place was as a park larger than a hundred
times the earth; and round about on every side lay the crystalline borders of etherean
worlds. And when they were assembled, Jehovih spake out of the light inherent, saying:
6. Sixteen times have my etherean hosts redeemed the earth and her heavens from
darkness into light, and yet ere the end of a cycle she falleth again, and her atmospherea
with her. And now it hath come to pass that her heavens are filled with thousands of
millions of spirits that know not Me and My emancipated worlds. Speak, O ye Gods and
7. Thereupon Sut’Loo said: O Jehovih, I have heard; I have beholden. Too prolific is the
earth, the young daughter of heaven. Too prolific is the red star of the firmament.
8. Next spake Ka’wha, saying: Thou hast spoken, O Jehovih! Too prolific is the rich
earth, O Father. Her mortals are overpowered by her atmospherean hosts. Her
people build up cities and nations for a season after dawn, but soon they are over
flooded by fetals and drujas, and the mortals devour one another as beasts of prey.
9. Chi’jong said: Her people have tilled all the soil of the earth and covered it over with
cities; but where are they? Her people have been learned in the matters of heaven and
earth, but their knowledge is dissipated by the dread hand of war.
10. Dhu’itta said: Her people become wise in a day, but on the next they are fools. One
generation becometh skilled in books and in knowledge of the sun and moon and stars,
and in the mathematics of corporeal things; but a generation followeth, and lo, her people
are cannibals again.
11. Gaw’zin said: I have heard, O Jehovih! I have witnessed, O Father! The red star is too
prolific. She is like a garden too rich! Her products are overgrown, and they fall down and
doubly enrich the soil again, to reproduce an imperfect giant stalk that is barren. So are
her sons and daughters; they run all to earthly substances.
12. Loo’wan said: Great Spirit, I have heard, I have seen. We gather the earth’s harvests
for Thee, O Jehovih, but they are small. We gather the earth’s harvests of dark spirits, O
Jehovih, and they are ten times larger. Behold, there is no balance between them.
13. Thus spake the Gods and Goddesses, till thousands of them had spoken. After that the
voice of Jehovih spake, saying:
14. Ye are blessed, My sons and daughters. How can ye bequeath the administration of
the earth and her heaven to the earth-born, till she is made suitable as a gift from My
hand? Now hear Me, O My sons and daughters: Five great divisions of the earth have I
made, and they have all been inhabited over and tilled by mortals. Yea, on all the
divisions of the earth have there been great cities and nations, and men and women of
great learning.
15. And as oft as they are raised up in light, so are they again cast down in darkness,
because of the great desire of the spirits of the dead to return back to the earth. These druj
return to mortals and fasten upon them as fetals or as familiars, and inspire them to evil.
Go now to the earth, O My beloved, and find the division of the earth where most of these
druj congregate, for I will uproot their stronghold; I will break them from their haunts and
they shall no longer carry My people down to destruction.
16. And now the council deliberated, and after a while caused the records of the earth and
her atmospherea to be examined, and they discovered that the heaven of the land of
Wagga (Pan) was beyond redemption because of the great numbers of the spirits of the
cannibals and of the multitude of fetals. It was as if a disease in the flesh be healed over
externally, leaving the root of the disease within. So was Wagga and her heaven; the
redemption of the cycles remained not with her, but evil broke out forever in a new way.
17. So Jehovih said: Now will I prune the earth and her heaven. Behold, the division of
Wagga shall be hewn off and cast beneath the waters of the ocean. Her heaven shall be no
longer tenable by the spirits of destruction, for I will rend the foundation thereof and
scatter them in the winds of heaven.
18. Go ye, therefore, down to the earth and provide nets and vanchas for receiving the
spirits of darkness, and for receiving the spirits of mortals who shall perish in the waters.
And provide ye a place in My exalted heavens suitable for them; and ye shall wall
them about in heaven that they cannot escape, but that they may be weaned from evil.
19. And when ye are come to the earth and its heavens, acquaint My God and his Lords
with My decree. And say to them: Thus saith Jehovih: Behold, behold, I will sink the land
of Wagga beneath the waters of the ocean, and her heaven will I carry away to a place in
My firmament, where she shall no longer engulf My people in darkness. And Jehovih
saith: Go thou, O God of heaven, and thou, O Lord of Wagga, down to My chosen, the
I’hins, and say to them: Thus saith the Great Spirit: Behold, behold, I will sink the lands
of the earth beneath the ocean, because of the evil of the spirits of darkness. Hear Me, O
My chosen, and heed My commandments: Fall to, all hands, and build ships in all places,
even in the valleys and on the mountains, and let My faithful gather together within the
ships, for My hand is surely stretched over the earth.
20. And ye shall also proclaim unto the earth and her heaven that from the first, even in
the ancient days, I proclaimed My three worlds unto all people, which are: My corporeal
worlds and the lower heavens that belong thereto, and My etherean heavens which are in
the firmament above. And I said: The first glory is of the earth, whereon is paradise when
man obeyeth My commandments; and the second glory, which is greater than the first, I
created for the spirits of the dead, but I bound the lower heaven to the earth that it might
travel therewith, that the communion of the dead with the living might add a glory unto
both. But the upper heaven I made the highest of all glories, and I filled the etherean
firmament with countless worlds of their kind for the dwelling places of those that rose in
the third resurrection.
21. And I sent from the exalted heavens down to the lower heavens, and to the earth, also,
My holy angels, over whom I appointed Gods and Lords in the majesty of My dominions.
And they came proclaiming these things in My name, teaching both mortals and spirits
how to live that they might rise and inherit My illuminated worlds.
22. And because man was without knowledge, My Gods and Lords appointed certain
masters of generations (loo’is), who were ethereans of great wisdom, to abide with
mortals and inspire such marriages as would best promote spiritual growth from the start.
And there came forth amongst all people certain ones capable of sar’gis and su’is, and they
heeded the commandments of My Gods and Lords, forsaking evil and striving to serve
the spirit, choosing Me above all things. Wherefore I chose them also, and called them
23. For as much as they commenced putting away self and serving Me whilst they were
yet in corpor, so were they not born in the spirit world before their full time. And even so
are others not of full birth who have not in the corporeal form begun to triumph in spirit
over their own flesh.
24. Jehovih said: Go forth, O my sons and daughters, and prune my vineyard.
25. Beseech My God of the earth and his Lords with him, to gather together all the angels
of the earth, from east to west and from north to south; to the land of Wagga bring them.
26. My etherean ships of fire shall surround Wagga on every side. And I will cut loose the
foundations of the earth, at the borders of the ocean and the mountains of Gan, nor shall
any prop or corner-stone stay My hand. And I will send rains and winds and thundering;
and the waters of the great deep shall come upon the lands; and the great cities shall go
down and be swallowed in the sea.
27. And the rich valleys of Mai, with her thousand cities, shall be rent with the madness
of men and women fleeing before the waters of the ocean. And women and children
shall fall by the way and be drowned; and men shall go down in the water and rise not.
28. And the wide plains of Og, with her thousand cities, and with the great capital of
Penj, and the temples of Khu, and Bart, and Gan, and Saing, shall sink to rise no more.
And in the deluge, the air of heaven shall be filled with the screaming and wailing of
millions of mortals going down to destruction.
29. I will rescue them from darkness; I will carry them to a’jian regions which I
previously created for spirits of darkness; and I will appoint over them Gods and
Goddesses to teach them of Me and My kingdoms.
30. And the earth and her heavens shall take a new start amongst My habitable worlds.
31. Thus have I provided labor for My high-raised angels in the places I created, saith

Plate 5.
E, Etherea; B, periphery of the earth’s vortex.
This line was called by the ancients the Bridge Of Chinvat.
All within this area is called Atmospherea.
The center is the earth, 1, 1, 1;
O, the ocean. 1‘s, 2‘s and 3 represent different atmospherean plateaux.
The O, O, O, with a line through it, represents atmospherean oceans.